Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Final Project-Using Podcasts to enhance learning

Have you ever been nervous about public speaking? Does that fear of studdering, or stumbling over a word during a speech worry you? If so, then perhaps you should turn to using Podcasts. Podcasts are speeches that have been converted to mp3 format, that can be listened to or created over the internet. Podcasts are effective tools if you are trying to get students more involved in class. There are always students who are nervous about talking in front of their peers. With Podcasts, a teacher can assign each student a topic, and students can talk into a microphone in the comfort of either a library or their home. Podcasts are great tools to use with students who are English Language Learners, or who are learning it as a second language.

Please make sure to visit my WOW project, to find out more about the uses of Podcasts and their beneficial impacts to the classroom. My WOW Project

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Reflection on Teaching with Technology

Well, what an adventure it has been. During the summer, the only type of "modern" technology that i regularly use is my Ipod. I try to get outside and be as active as possible. After a year of emails, facebook, and communicating with parents-I like o unplug the computer and have some Liam time. I usually dont go on the computer very much during the summer unless its absolutely necessary.

Needless to say this course has affected by quant summer get-away from technology. However, I have learned a lot about web 2.0, which i didnt even realize was a term prior to this course. It took some getting used to , but i ended up enjoying this course. I learned how to make videos using google and upload them to youtube. I also learned how to save and send documents as pdf files. A small skill, but still very useful within a large school system. Many of the skills that I have learned while taking this course will permiate into my classroom teaching and pedagogy.

My group of Janeen and Gina was wonderful. These two individuals were always available to answer any of the questions that I had on assignments, and they were always diligent when working on projects with me. I'd like to thank them for remaining patient and guiding me through much of the work for the duration of this course. Anyone would be lucky to work with these young women.

Finally, I'd like to recommend this coure to anyone who is resisting the change that technology offers the field of education. I was relucatant to take this course, and at its conclusion I feel lucky to have gone through this experience. It was both eye opening and inspiring, thank you Dr. Smirnova for conducting a smooth class.

Internet Safety, Digital Safety, and Copywrites

Wow, can i be arrested or held accountable for some of the links, information, or pictures that I have used in some of my undergraduate courses? The answer is yes, and many college students need to be cogniscent of that. Many young people (Myself included) and new internet users believe that because the information is easily accessible they dont have to cite where the work came from.

Additionally, one thing that our students need to keep in mind is the act of cyberbullying and it's consequences. Not only can students get harassed while in school, they are also tormented over the internet. Many young people have felt the stigma of being made fun over via the internet. We are professiionals need to make sure that our students have respect for eachother. This means that students need to be able to engage in meaningful discourse both in school and in the privacy of their own home. Cyberbullying is defintely something that needs to be monitored in the future.

Beyond the Bubble

During the past twenty years, the American education system has turned towards standardized testing to determine whether or not a student has mastered specific skills. In an article titled teachers give their view of standardized testing to an interviewer. Many of the teachers interviewed claim that they are forced to teach to the test. Meaning that their curricula is molded into an exact replica of what they believe will be on state examinations. Additionally, class time is wasted preparing for these exams. This is one problem that many teachers have with these types of tests. Not only do they make teachers edit their curricula, they also take away time from instruction. One alternative that is mentioned in this article is having these test done electronically, and have the questions be based on real world scenarios. Not only is this more time conscious, it is more pragmatic. I agree with offering students the option of taking tests electronically, instead of paper-pencil exams.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Using Engrade as grading software

Where I work, we use a grading program call infinite campus. We have been using this program for nearly two years, and I still do not feel comfortable with it. It is not user friendly at all. Previously, I have become with a program called "Easy Grade Pro". This particular program was very easy to use, after a little bit or practice.

The Engrade program is by far the easiest program to become acquainted with.Whether one is entering new assignments,grades, or just taking attended Engrade is an efficient digital grade book that offers lots of good qualities.Two features that I liked, are that you can put different emphasis on various assignments.If a teacher wants quizzes to be weighed as much as home-works, all they need to do is adjust the grade settings. Additionally, Engrade can be used as an attendance book. It is very convenient to be able to look at ones grade-book and an attendance roster at the same time.

The only ideas that I have, in terms of improving this program, is that it should have links that are available for reinforcement of learned material. I believe that this program is very user friendly, even basic skilled computer enthusiasts should be able to navigate through the Engrade options menu.

This software is very useful for all teachers. Many professionals tend to resist change, however if school districts used only Engrade, I think that it would create an easier situation for entering grades.Students would enjoy this program because they will be able to know the status of their grade immediately, instead of having to wait for their teachers to calculate grades.

An example of Using Engrade-Teacher Grading Program

A link to My finished Product

Check out the newsletter made by Gina, Janeen and I, using Smilebox.