Friday, July 8, 2011


Twitter- A new invention of an old idea? Following in the footsteps of Myspace and Facebook, Twitter is a social networking server that allows friends to follow one another. A twitter user can update his or her status to include news, assignments, or just general statements to ponder.

Twitter allows teachers to communicate with their students in a professional manner. Additionally, twitter users can follow each other are able to discuss various topics that may arise. I personally have not yet contacted any of my friends through twitter, but I do know that many people follow celebrities with it. The benefits of twitter is that it opens another line of communication between teachers, student and parents. Whenever teacher-parent communication is made easy, a strong foundation for education occurs.

Twitter will be used for parents to check assignments that their son or daughter may have to do for homework. Additionally, if a teacher posts the topic of instruction for a particular class, parents can check twitter and discuss what happened in school with their children.

1 comment:

  1. Liam,
    I have my twitter account, and I must admit I followed Lady GaGa for a day. (haha) However, after searching 'education' I found a plethora of educators to follow and I have been saving site after site, link after link to my email. I even registered for a webinar on the Ipad.
    (Still have to get used to those hash-tags though).
