Sunday, July 24, 2011

Using Engrade as grading software

Where I work, we use a grading program call infinite campus. We have been using this program for nearly two years, and I still do not feel comfortable with it. It is not user friendly at all. Previously, I have become with a program called "Easy Grade Pro". This particular program was very easy to use, after a little bit or practice.

The Engrade program is by far the easiest program to become acquainted with.Whether one is entering new assignments,grades, or just taking attended Engrade is an efficient digital grade book that offers lots of good qualities.Two features that I liked, are that you can put different emphasis on various assignments.If a teacher wants quizzes to be weighed as much as home-works, all they need to do is adjust the grade settings. Additionally, Engrade can be used as an attendance book. It is very convenient to be able to look at ones grade-book and an attendance roster at the same time.

The only ideas that I have, in terms of improving this program, is that it should have links that are available for reinforcement of learned material. I believe that this program is very user friendly, even basic skilled computer enthusiasts should be able to navigate through the Engrade options menu.

This software is very useful for all teachers. Many professionals tend to resist change, however if school districts used only Engrade, I think that it would create an easier situation for entering grades.Students would enjoy this program because they will be able to know the status of their grade immediately, instead of having to wait for their teachers to calculate grades.


  1. I agree Liam, I liked the way you can make different assignments weigh more and it is convenient to have attendance and grades all in one place. I think you should let your principal know about Engrade and maybe they can take a look and possibly shift to this program. Good luck with that!


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