Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why is communication important?

Communication is important between parents and teachers for various reasons. First and foremost, a teacher spends significant amount of time with a parent’s child over the course of a school year.In some cases, if you want to know what’s up with the child, the teacher is an excellent source because they see them consistently. Opening up the lines of communication for the teacher and parent establishes a relationship where the main goal is the child’s progress and academic growth. It is important for both the parent and teacher to feel they can communicate with one another when it comes to concerns regarding the student.  If there has been a recent stressful event in the child’s life, the teacher should be informed so that he/she can take into consideration that information when observing the child’s academic performance and behavior. If a student is experiencing any problems they can be addressed more efficiently and effectively when the lines of communication are open. Additionally, the expectations for both the parent and teacher could be laid out so that both parties can work together to help support the child in a positive way.

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