Friday, July 8, 2011

The Triple P (A Proverbial Pedagogial Paradigm Shift)

Class put your textbooks away, and teachers throw away your chalk. These tools are evidence that humans once existed, but they are not acceptable teaching methods of the status quo. There was once a time where "direct instruction" lecture format instruction was widely used throughout schools in America.

As Bob Dillan would say , "Oh the times they are changing". The same can be said about education. Classrooms whose format is 2.0 are replacing textbooks, chalkboard, and dusty unused computers. Teachers must remain open to the change, no matter how difficult it may become. As discussed in our online class, teaching seems to be one of the only industries that resists change. The writing is on the wall, we are falling behind other countries in education, and change needs to be made.

Our students spend more time in front of computer screens than with their families. It is time for educators to reform their beliefs and attempt to "keep up with the Jones".

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