Friday, July 8, 2011

Discussing the Implications of Our Net Generation

Books, dial up telephones, compact discs? These three items seem like relics from the past. Artifacts from a time when humans used to interact face to face, and signatures had to be written by hand, not electronically signed.

The Net Generation, is  group of young people who have never lived in a world without the internet. Most of these youngsters have at least one computer in each household. Many, spend over five hours each day on the internet. What we must ask ourselves as educators is, How can we reach children that have grown up in such a different time than ourselves?

Teachers must strive to include technology that is both relevant and engaging, in order to grab their students attention. Technology must not be thought of as anything that needs to be plugged into an electronic outlet. It is not enough to use an overhead projector during a class lesson. Our students are not longer engaged by black and white pictures. The days of a teacher simply writing on a chalkboard are over. If professionals plan of yielding higher test scores, than we must place an emphasis on technology that our students use on a regular basis.

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