Saturday, July 30, 2011

My Final Project-Using Podcasts to enhance learning

Have you ever been nervous about public speaking? Does that fear of studdering, or stumbling over a word during a speech worry you? If so, then perhaps you should turn to using Podcasts. Podcasts are speeches that have been converted to mp3 format, that can be listened to or created over the internet. Podcasts are effective tools if you are trying to get students more involved in class. There are always students who are nervous about talking in front of their peers. With Podcasts, a teacher can assign each student a topic, and students can talk into a microphone in the comfort of either a library or their home. Podcasts are great tools to use with students who are English Language Learners, or who are learning it as a second language.

Please make sure to visit my WOW project, to find out more about the uses of Podcasts and their beneficial impacts to the classroom. My WOW Project

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