Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Comments on Education:today and tomorrow

The days of chalkboards, overhead projectors and textbooks are over. In the post Cold War world, technology has challenged educators to improve strategies and methods of instruction, in order to better reach our students. Most of this video discusses scenerios that state that much of the education world is behin the eight ball in terms of using science to meet growing standards.

Simply having a computer in ones classroom does not imply that there is a proper amount of technology included with instruction. In order to be an affluent teacher, one must implement technology properly and routinely to better our classroom (both enviromentally and educationally). Technology has the ability to fix many of the problems that have negatively affected school systems for years.

Technology allows the teacher to reach a wide variety of learners. This aspect alone makes the use of technology more significant to a teacher than any textbook that has ever been made. The 21st century student doesn't go home to read novels, they are chatting with their friends via facebook. Our students are in a much different world than we were, just twenty years ago.

One situation that fails to be answered is "What if my school district cannot afford technology?" This situation is still fairly relevant within many inner-city school districts. In the status quo many politicians have been cutting budgets in education, while asking professionals to yield higher standardized scores. While it is important to use technology in every classroom, we must be able to ensure that each classroom has the same available resources. This begs the question: How can politicians and professionals ensure that all teachers have the same tools to teach our children effectively?

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